The end of the movie "The Wild Animals Who Grabbed the Lifeline" is as follows: In the final battle, the wild animals finally found a way to escape from humans - by exploiting human fear, they created a terrifying atmosphere to make humans run away. In the end, the wild animals successfully escaped from the pursuit of humans and returned to the forest. However, in the process of escaping, the wild animals paid a huge price. One of the wild animals sacrificed itself to protect the others, becoming a sacrifice between them. The end of the movie is filled with heroism and deeply touching friendship. Although the wild animals eventually escaped in the end, they paid a huge price. This story tells us that there is often a contradiction and conflict between survival and friendship, but in the crucial moment, friendship is still the strongest force.://www.51cto.com
The end of the movie "The Wild Animals Who Grabbed the Lifeline" is as follows: In the final battle, the wild animals finally found a way to escape from humans - by exploiting human fear, they created a terrifying atmosphere to make humans run away. In the end, the wild animals successfully escaped from the pursuit of humans and returned to the forest. However, in the process of escaping,
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