The movie "Bangkok Dangerous" is a thriller about an American man's adventure in Bangkok, Thailand. The ending of the movie is as follows: With the help of Thai police, Jack finds the killer of his wife. The killer is a high-ranking member of a criminal organization called "Black Hand". In a fierce battle with the killer, Jack manages to subdue him and turn him over to the police. After that, Jack spends some time in Thailand and regains his peace. Finally, he returns to the United States, reunites with his daughter, and starts a new life.://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/05/08/4523346.html
The movie "Bangkok Dangerous" is a thriller about an American man's adventure in Bangkok, Thailand. The ending of the movie is as follows: With the help of Thai police, Jack finds the killer of his wife. The killer is a high-ranking member of a criminal organization called "Black Hand". In a fierce battle with the killer, Jack manages to subdue him and turn him over to the police. After that, Jack spends some time in Thailand and regains his peace. Finally, he returns to
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