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美国电影《新变种人》的大结局是什么 《新变种人》是一部科幻电影,讲述了一个关于变种人与人类之间的冲突。电影的结局是这样的:在一场激烈的战斗后,变种人领袖约翰·汉考克(John Hancock)和人类领导人总统亨利·亨特(Henry Hayes)达成了和平协议。约翰·汉考克承认了变种人在社会中的存在,并同意与人类和平共处。总统亨利·亨特则承诺会保护变种人免受歧视和迫害。电影以这个和平的结局结束,表达了对未来和谐共存的希望。 The conclusion of the movie "X-Men: The Last Stand" is as follows: After a fierce battle, the leader of the mutants, John Hancock, and the human leader, President Henry Hayes, reach a peace agreement. John Hancock acknowledges the existence of mutants in society and agrees to coexist peacefully with humans. In return, President Henry Hayes promises to protect mutants from discrimination and persecution. The film ends with this peaceful resolution, expressing hope for a harmonious future coexistence between mutants and humans.:// The conclusion of the movie "X-Men: The Last Stand" is as follows: After a fierce battle, the leader of the mutants, John Hancock, and the human leader, President Henry Hayes, reach a peace agreement. John Hancock acknowledges the existence of mutants in society and agrees to coexist peacefully with humans. In return, President Henry Hayes promises to protect mutants from discrimination and persecution. The film ends with this peaceful resolution, expressing hope for a harmonious future coexistence between mutants and humans.:// The conclusion of the movie "X-Men: The Last Stand" is as follows: After a fierce battle, the leader of the mutants, John Hancock, and the human leader, President Henry Hayes, reach a peace agreement. John Hancock acknowledges the existence of mutants in society and agrees to coexist peacefully with humans. In return, President Henry Hayes promises to protect mutants from discrimination and persecution. The film ends with this peaceful resolution, expressing hope for a harmonious future coexistence between mutants and humans.:// The conclusion of the movie "X-Men: The Last Stand" is as follows: After a fierce battle, the leader of the mutants, John Hancock, and