Gideon与小女孩Almerina行走江湖靠说戏为生,某日,两人在一个山洞过夜等待天亮继续行路。半夜遇到一只老熊,两人大惊,开始为熊说戏企图逃过一劫。故事的主角是生活在山里的熊国王Leander和儿子Tony,某天Leander带着Tony来到河里练习捕鱼,谁知Tony不幸被一张大网抓走,Leander遍寻不着Tony,从此郁郁寡欢,不理朝政,直到有天,他的大臣们警告他,再不想办法,他的熊子民们就即将饿死了。 他的左膀右臂Saltpetre 和Theophilus向他献计Tony王子说不定正在山下的人类王国里。Leander顿时来了精神,组织了熊大军向山下的人类王国进发,希望能找到tony顺便向人类讨点吃食。
The film tells the story of a bear that escapes from the mountains and wanders into a small town in Italy. The ending of the film is as follows: The bear is eventually burned to death in a large fire in the town. The fire is discovered and extinguished by the residents of the town in time. The residents gather around the bear's body and take pictures. The death of the bear makes the residents of the town feel the impermanence of life and brings them closer together. The film conveys the relationship between people and nature and people through this story.://
The residents taking pictures of the bear after it is burned to death expresses their curiosity and a sense of shock or disbelief at the unusual event. It also reflects the way people tend to capture and document extraordinary or significant moments in their lives. The act of taking pictures also helps them to remember and share the experience with others, as well as to process the impact of the bear's death on their community. It's a way for them to make sense of the event and to bond with each other over their shared experience. The photographs may also serve as a reminder of the impermanence of life and the unexpected nature of events that can change a community.://
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