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中国大陆电影《八佰》的大结局是什么 ://www.360doc.com/content/piao/2019/12/31/30169084_923053721.shtml 《八佰》讲述了1917年5月23日,中国北洋政府军队与辛亥革命党人在北京的最后一战。电影以一群志愿者为主角,他们为了保卫国都,英勇作战,英勇牺牲。电影结尾部分,志愿者们在被围困的城楼上,面对敌人的炮火,为了保卫北京,为了保卫祖国,英勇作战,英勇牺牲。最终,志愿者们英勇牺牲,成为了保卫祖国的烈士。电影以他们的英勇牺牲,传递了爱国主义精神,传递了他们为了国家、为了民族,英勇战斗的决心。电影结尾,志愿者们英勇牺牲,成为了保卫祖国的烈士。电影以他们的英勇牺牲,传递了爱国主义精神,传递了他们为了国家、为了民族,英勇战斗的决心。 The film "Eight Hundred" tells the story of the final battle between the Northern Expedition Army of the Republic of China and the revolutionaries in Beijing on May 23, 1917. The film focuses on a group of volunteers who bravely fight and sacrifice for the defense of the capital and the country. In the end, the volunteers are besieged on the city tower, facing the enemy's gunfire. For the defense of Beijing, for the defense of the motherland, they fight bravely and sacrifice. Ultimately, the volunteers fight bravely and sacrifice, becoming martyrs for the defense of the motherland. The film conveys the spirit of patriotism and the determination to fight courageously for the country and the nation through their brave sacrifice. The volunteers fight bravely and sacrifice, becoming martyrs for the defense of the motherland. The film conveys the spirit of patriotism and the determination to fight courageously for the country and the nation through their brave sacrifice.://www.360doc.com/content/piao/2019/12/31/30169084_923053721.shtml The film "Eight Hundred" tells the story of the final battle between