English 中文(简体)

巴西,法国电影《缉魂》的大结局是什么 《缉魂》是一部法国电影,讲述了一个关于幽灵的故事。电影的结局是这样的:在电影的最后,马克和艾米莉终于找到了幽灵的来源。原来,幽灵是由一位名叫玛丽的年轻女子所化。玛丽曾是马克的表妹,她在一场火灾中遇难,死后化作幽灵在家中游荡。马克和艾米莉在了解了真相后,决定帮助玛丽的灵魂得到安息。他们在玛丽的墓前为她举行了一场仪式,通过这个仪式,玛丽的灵魂终于能够解脱,离开这个世界,进入下一个世界。电影的结局是马克和艾米莉站在墓前,目送玛丽的灵魂离去,表示他们对玛丽的思念和感激之情。电影以这样的结局结束,给观众留下了深刻的印象。://www.51cto.com The conclusion of the French film "Ghosthunters" is as follows: In the end of the film, Mark and Emily finally found the source of the ghost. It turned out that the ghost was incarnated by a young woman named Mary. Mary was Mark's cousin, and she died in a fire, becoming a wandering ghost in the house after her death. After Mark and Emily learned the truth, they decided to help Mary's soul find peace. They held a ceremony at Mary's grave, through which Mary's soul was finally liberated and could leave this world and enter the next world. The conclusion of the film is Mark and Emily standing by the grave, watching Mary's soul depart, expressing their love and gratitude for Mary. The film ends with such a conclusion, leaving a deep impression on the audience.://www.51cto.com 上一篇:《缉魂》电影的结局是这样的:马克和艾米莉在最后终于找到了幽灵的来源,原来是马克的表妹玛丽化作幽灵。他们为玛丽的灵魂举行仪式,让玛丽的灵魂得以解脱,离开这个世界,进入下一个世界。电影结局,马克和艾米莉站在墓前