《氧气危机》是一部科幻电影,讲述了在一个未来的世界,人类因为污染和资源消耗导致地球上的氧气逐渐消失,人类不得不在宇宙中寻找新的氧气源。电影的主人公马克·华莱士(Mark Watney)是一位美国宇宙飞船指令官,他在一次任务中与同伴一起在火星上执行任务,意外发生了一起事故,宇宙飞船失去联系,马克被误认为已经死亡,宇宙飞船离开火星后,马克被遗弃在火星上。然而,马克却奇迹般地活了下来,他利用自己的智慧和技能,努力在火星上生存。电影的结局是,经过一系列的努力和冒险,马克最终在火星上找到了一种可以制造氧气的方法,并成功地与地球取得了联系。最终,马克被地球上的同伴们救出,回到地球,圆满结束了这段艰难的生存之旅。
The Oxygen Crisis is a science fiction movie that tells the story of a future world where pollution and resource consumption have caused the oxygen on Earth to gradually disappear, forcing humans to search for new oxygen sources in the universe. The main character, Mark Watney, is an American space mission commander. In one mission, he and his companions were accidentally stranded on Mars during an accident. The spaceship lost contact and Mark was mistakenly believed to have died, and the spaceship left Mars, leaving Mark abandoned on the planet. However, Mark miraculously survived. He used his wisdom and skills to survive on Mars. The ending of the movie is that through a series of efforts and adventures, Mark finally found a way to produce oxygen on Mars and successfully made contact with Earth. In the end, Mark was rescued by his companions on Earth and returned to Earth, concluding this difficult survival journey in triumph.://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->://-->
- 2013-中国-电影-《天注定》
- 2000-中国-电影-《站台2000》
- 2020-美国-电影-《特斯拉》
- 2023-美国-电影-《渗透》
- 1983-台湾-电影-《看海的日子》
- 2007-台湾-电影-《色,戒》
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- 2016-韩国-电影-《激情社区》
- 2021-台湾-电影-《角头外传:浪流连》
- 1952-美国-电影-《乞力马扎罗的雪》
- 2000-法国-电影-《幽情秘恋》
- 1988-台湾-电影-《少妇恋情》
- 2007-美国-电影-《潜水钟与蝴蝶》
- 2004-意大利-电影-《别碰我》
- 2017-台湾-电影-《大佛普拉斯》
- 2019-越南-电影-《再见,妈妈》
- 2022-韩国-电影-《下一个素熙》
- 1996-台湾-电影-《喋血劫花》
- 2020-美国-电影-《迷盲》
- 2015-日本-电影-《进击的巨人番外篇E03》