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  该电影背景设定在 911 紧急呼叫中心的一个早上。呼叫接线员乔·贝勒(吉伦哈尔饰)试图拯救一名危在旦夕的呼叫者,但他很快发现事实并非如此,而面对真相是摆脱困境的唯一办法。
美国电影《罪人/接线追缉》的大结局是什么 《罪人/接线追缉》是一部美国电影,讲述了两个警察为了抓捕一名罪犯展开了一场追逐的故事。电影的结局是这样的:在一场激烈的追逐后,罪犯被捕。然而,在审讯过程中,罪犯透露了一段关于警察的秘密,使得警察的职业生涯岌岨不保。最终,警察为了保护自己的家人和事业,选择了放弃自己的警察生涯。电影以这样的结局结束,展现了罪犯的智慧和警察的困境。 The conclusion of the American movie "Criminal / Call Pursuit" is as follows: After a fierce pursuit, the criminal is captured. However, during the interrogation, the criminal reveals a secret about the police, putting their career in jeopardy. In the end, the police, in order to protect their family and career, chose to give up their police career. The movie ends with such a conclusion, showcasing the criminal's wisdom and the police's predicament.://> The movie "Criminal / Call Pursuit" tells the story of two police officers who chase after a criminal. In the end, the criminal is caught after a fierce pursuit. However, during the interrogation, the criminal reveals a secret about the police, which puts their careers in jeopardy. The police, in order to protect their families and careers, ultimately decide to give up their police careers. The movie concludes with this ending, highlighting the criminal's cleverness and the difficult situation the police find themselves in. The conclusion of the movie is quite dramatic and thought-provoking, as it raises questions about the consequences of revealing secrets and the challenges faced by law enforcement officers. The ending leaves the audience with a sense of uncertainty and reflection on the complex nature of justice and morality. The movie's conclusion is both surprising and emotionally impactful, as it forces the audience to consider the far-reaching effects of the actions of both the criminals and the police. The ending also leaves room for speculation about what the future holds for the characters involved, as their lives and careers are forever changed by the events of the movie. Overall, the conclusion of "Criminal / Call Pursuit" is a powerful and memorable ending that leaves a lasting impression on the audience. The movie's themes of secrets, consequences, and the challenges faced by law enforcement officers are