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美国电影《海兽猎人》的大结局是什么 《海兽猎人》是一部科幻电影,讲述了一个猎人在未来的地球上与一只巨大的海兽展开激烈对决的故事。电影的结局是这样的:在与海兽的最后一战中,猎人成功地将海兽引向了一个陷阱,利用陷阱中的装置将海兽制服。然而,在这一过程中,猎人也受到了重创。最后,猎人在即将死去的瞬间,向海兽展示了人类的智慧和勇气,海兽也在猎人的眼神中感受到了人类的善意,最后海兽也安详地走向了死亡。电影以这个充满哲理的结局结束,展现了人类与自然和谐共生的可能。://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/03/15/20190315-452.html ://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/03/15/20190315-452.html The movie "The Predator" is a science fiction film that tells the story of a hunter who battles a giant sea creature on a future Earth. The ending of the movie is as follows: In the final battle with the sea creature, the hunter successfully lures the creature into a trap and subdues it using the devices in the trap. However, in the process, the hunter is severely injured. Finally, as the hunter is about to die, he shows the creature the wisdom and courage of humanity, and the creature also feels the kindness of humans in the hunter's eyes. In the end, the creature gently walks towards death. The movie ends with this philosophical ending, showing the possibility of humans and nature living in harmony.:// :// :// The movie "The Predator" is a science fiction film that tells the story of a hunter who battles a giant sea creature on a future Earth. The ending of the movie is as follows: In the final battle with the sea creature, the hunter successfully lures the creature into a trap and subdues it using the devices in the trap. However, in the process, the hunter is severely injured. Finally, as the hunter is about to die, he shows the creature the wisdom and courage of humanity, and