The movie "Predators" is an American film about a hunter who fights a giant monster in the forest. The end of the movie is as follows: In the final battle with the monster, the hunter successfully leads the monster into a trap, and uses the gunpowder in the trap to blow up the monster. However, in this battle, the hunter is also seriously injured. Finally, the hunter walks alone in the forest, as the picture slowly fades and turns black, indicating that the hunter eventually dies. The movie ends with the image of the hunter alone and helpless and the picture of his death.://www.51voa.com/voa/2009/0426/2009042601.html
The movie "Predators" is an American film about a hunter who fights a giant monster in the forest. The end of the movie is as follows: In the final battle with the monster, the hunter successfully leads the monster into a trap, and uses the gunpowder in the trap to blow up the monster. However, in this battle,
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