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韩国电影《狼狩猎》的大结局是什么 《狼狩猎》是一部韩国犯罪悬疑电影,讲述了一个关于警察腐败和黑社会勾结的故事。电影的结局是:在警察与黑社会的较量中,警察队长与黑社会头目最终在一场激烈的对决中相遇。警察队长为了保护自己和家人,决定与黑社会头目一决雌雄。经过一番激烈的较量,警察队长最终成功地击败了黑社会头目。然而,在胜利之际,警察队长却意识到自己在追求权力和地位的过程中,已经失去了自己的道德底线。电影的结局表达了对权力腐败和道德沦丧的强烈谴责,同时也提醒人们要警惕权力滥用和道德的堕落。://www.51cto.com The end of the movie "Wolf Hunt" is as follows: In the struggle between the police and the gangsters, the police chief and the gang boss finally meet in a fierce battle. In order to protect himself and his family, the police chief decides to settle the score with the gang boss. After a fierce battle, the police chief ultimately defeats the gang boss. However, at the moment of victory, the police chief realizes that in the process of pursuing power and status, he has lost his moral bottom line. The ending of the movie expresses a strong condemnation of power corruption and moral decline, and also reminds people to be vigilant against the abuse of power and moral decay.://www.51cto.com The end of the movie "Wolf Hunt" is as follows: In the struggle between the police and the gangsters, the police chief and the gang boss finally meet in a fierce battle. In order to protect himself and his family, the police chief decides to settle the score with the gang boss. After a fierce battle, the police chief ultimately defeats the gang boss. However, at the moment of victory, the police chief realizes that in the process of pursuing power and status, he has lost his moral bottom line. The ending of the movie expresses a strong condemnation of power corruption and moral decline, and also reminds people to be vigilant against the abuse of power and moral decay.://www.51ct