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  Netflix纪录片《好好照顾玛雅:虐儿案罗生门》中,描述2016 年年仅 9 岁的玛雅·柯瓦斯基 (Maya Kowalski) 被送进约翰霍普金斯医院,接下来发生的一切,无论是她或她的家长都始料未及…
美国电影《好好照顾玛雅:虐儿案罗生门》的大结局是什么 《好好照顾玛雅》是一部关于虐儿案的电影,电影的结局是这样的:玛雅的母亲玛丽被定罪,判处25年监禁。玛雅被送到一个安全的家庭中,开始过上一个正常的生活。然而,电影并没有结束在这里。几年后,玛雅成为了一个勇敢的女孩,她决定寻找自己的母亲。经过一番努力,她终于找到了母亲玛丽。玛丽在监狱中悔恨交加,她希望玛雅能原谅她。玛雅最终选择了原谅母亲,并陪伴着她度过了监狱生活的日子。电影以玛雅和母亲玛丽的团圆而收场。 The conclusion of the movie "Take Care of Maya" is as follows: Maya's mother Mary is convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Maya is placed in a safe family and begins to lead a normal life. However, the movie does not end here. A few years later, Maya becomes a brave girl and decides to find her mother. After much effort, she finally finds her mother Mary. Mary, in prison, is filled with remorse, and she hopes that Maya can forgive her. Maya ultimately chooses to forgive her mother and accompanies her through the days of her prison life. The movie ends with Maya and her mother Mary reunited.://> 电影《好好照顾玛雅:虐儿案罗生门》的结局是玛雅最终找到了母亲玛丽,玛丽在监狱中悔恨交加,希望玛雅能原谅她。玛雅最终选择原谅母亲,并陪伴母亲度过监狱生活的日子。电影以玛雅和母亲玛丽的团圆而收场。The conclusion of the movie "Take Care of Maya: The Verdict" is that Maya ultimately finds her mother Mary. Mary, in prison, is filled with remorse and hopes that Maya can forgive her. Maya ultimately chooses to forgive her mother and accompanies her through the days of her prison life. The movie ends with Maya and her mother Mary reunited.://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>