English 中文(简体)

1965, Malaysia. A small village helps Khalid and Siti prepare for their wedding day. Soon after, a great darkness falls upon the village as a string of horrific deaths and supernatural happenings create widespread fear and paranoia amongst the villagers. The events force a confession from Khalid to a murder of a girl he made pregnant years before, now believed to have returned as a Pontianak. To kill this vengeful vampire, he rallies all the men of the village and sets out into the jungle to hunt her down. But can the village stop her?
电影《庞蒂雅娜的复仇》大结局中,庞蒂雅娜终于成功复仇,但代价是她失去了自己的生命。 电影最后一幕中,庞蒂雅娜站在海边,回忆起自己的过去。她想起了自己曾经的悲伤和痛苦,但现在她已经走出了阴影,完成了自己的使命。她感到心满意足,并且没有遗憾。 同时,电影还展示了其他人物的结局。庞蒂雅娜的父亲终于得到了他一直追求的正义,而庞蒂雅娜的男友也开始了自己的新生活,重新恢复了对生活的信心。 整个电影强调了正义与家庭的重要性,也让观众感受到了庞蒂雅娜的坚强和勇气。虽然她最终牺牲了自己,但她的胜利和坚持让人们永远铭记。