English 中文(简体)

Maya, a farmer’s daughter, accidentally kills an endangered Philippine Eagle in a forest reserve. When the police investigate, other horrifying crime cases are soon revealed… The second feature by Mikhail Red (Rekorder) is a thrilling, multilayered mystery. The Philippine Eagle, measuring about 1 meter in length, is the largest in the world. With fewer than 200 surviving, it is critically endangered due to deforestation and overhunting for taxidermy. PelikulaRED, the production company founded by Mikhail’s father Raymond Red (director of Manila Skies), produced the film.
电影《猎鸟》讲述了一个简单的渔夫用自己的钓鱼技巧猎捕到一只珍贵的袍鹭鸟,并被一位贪婪的商人以高价收购。渔夫试图阻止商人把袍鹭鸟带走卖给其他国家,但最终失败了。失落的渔夫决定自己去救回这只袍鹭鸟,并在行动中得到了其他人的支持。 在电影的结局,渔夫和他的团队成功地把袍鹭鸟从商人手中救回,并把它带回自然栖息地。渔夫认识到,这只鸟是他的家园的重要财富,他决定和其他人一起保护它们,并教育人们要尊重自然和保护野生动物。 这部电影呼吁人们不要只看到眼前的利益,而是要想到自然的平衡和动物的权益。它同时也展示了当人们团结在一起,为保护自然而努力时,他们可以创造一个更美好的未来。