English 中文(简体)

An elderly art dealer Olavi (72) is about to retire. A man who has always put business and art before everything - even his family - cannot imagine life without work. At an auction, an old painting catches his attention. Olavi suspects it is worth much more than its starting price, which is low because its authenticity hasn t been confirmed. Olavi s instincts kick in. He decides to make one last deal in order to earn some proper pension money. At the same time, Olavi s daughter Lea (42) - whom he hasn t seen for years - asks him to help her with his teenage grandson Otto (15). Together with Otto, Olavi starts to investigate the background of the painting. They find out that the painting is called Christ and was painted by Ilya Repin. Olavi manages to buy the painting, but when the auction house realizes that there has been a mistake with the original pricing, they turn against him. To fulfill his dream, the old dealer must face both the auction house and his own past mistakes
《无名大师》是一部芬兰的剧情片电影,故事讲述了一位名叫亚历山大的年轻艺术家,他在画廊工作,但一直未能展示自己的真正才华。 整部电影围绕着亚历山大的艺术创作展开,他追求创作的极致,但却无法找到真正的灵感和创造力。在压力和挫折的重压下,亚历山大开始怀疑自己的能力和价值。 然而,在一个偶然的机会下,亚历山大结识了一位被称为“无名大师”的老艺术家。这位老艺术家从不公开展示自己的作品,但却声名远扬,被认为是当代艺术界的传奇人物。 亚历山大决定向无名大师学习和请教,他希望能够从这位艺术大师身上找到真正的艺术灵感和创造力。经过一段时间的学习和交流,亚历山大逐渐理解到,艺术并不仅仅是技巧和才华,更重要的是内心的表达和创造的自由。 最终,亚历山大在一次重要的展览会上展示了自己的作品,这些作品充满了他个人的风格和内心的情感。观众们被亚历山大的作品所打动,他的艺术才华和创造力也得到了认可。 电影以亚历山大的成功展示了艺术创作的真正价值,同时也强调了自我探索和找到内心真正的声音的重要性。无名大师的存在不仅是一个艺术灵感的源泉,更是一个启示,让亚历山大重新审视自己的艺术追求和价值观。 《无名大师》大结局展示了亚历山大在艺术道路上的成长和突破,他找到了真正属于自己的创作风格和声音。这部电影通过亚历山大的故事,向观众传递了对艺术的热爱和追求的重要性,以及自我认知和成长的重要性。