English 中文(简体)

Samson Shillitoe, a frustrated poet and a magnet for women, is behind in his alimony payments, and lives with Rhoda, a waitress who stands by him through all his troubles. Samson becomes belligerent when he cannot find the inspiration to finish his big poem so Rhoda tries to get him to see the psychiatrist Dr. West, who claims to be able to cure writer s block. Samson ends up being pursued by various women while trying to evade the subpoena servers and finish his poem.
由詹姆斯·麦克特格执导的美国剧情片电影《脂粉金刚》的大结局中,主角乔治·瓦伦森(约翰·特拉沃尔塔饰)最终被捕入狱,而他的妻子格洛丽娅(凯丽·普雷斯顿饰)也在一次交易中被杀害。 片中,乔治在狱中与FBI探员里奇·迪维特(巴里·佩珀饰)合作,帮助FBI抓获其他毒枭,以换取自己的自由。 最后,乔治被释放并与他的女儿举行了一场婚礼。他在一次采访中透露,他已经放弃了毒品贩卖生意,并在监狱期间开始写作,他计划出版一本书籍。 整部电影以黑色幽默及冷酷的风格为主,展示了毒品和黑帮文化的残酷和可怕之处。