English 中文(简体)

A group of aliens arrive on Earth as part of an advance invasion force. Their mission is to kidnap a small sample of humans and run them through a series of rigorous tests to determine if they would make suitable slaves. Harper, one of the alien experimenters, has beceme frustrated with her planet s endless cycle of conquest and extermination and begins to feel some sympathy for her human captives. While the prisoners see a glimmer of hope in the compassionate alien, will it be any use in stopping the enormous attack fleet just a few days from Earth?
电影《地狱无门》大结局中,年轻的女警官艾米丽·艾伦成功地逮捕了疑似连环杀手的嫌疑人乔伊·考尔。然而,在审讯中,乔伊声称自己是无辜的,并且指出真正的连环杀手是他的哥哥莫里斯。此时,莫里斯已经得知乔伊被逮捕,开始采取行动来保护自己。 艾米丽和她的搭档汤姆·海斯顿决定展开行动,找到莫里斯并逮捕他。在一次激烈的追逐和枪战中,他们最终击败了莫里斯,并将他逮捕归案,结束了这场恐怖的连环杀手案件。 最后,艾米丽和汤姆在一起过上了幸福的生活,而乔伊则被判无罪释放。影片以艾米丽在乔伊的墓前敬献花束的场景结束,暗示着这场惨痛的案件已经过去,但它留下的痛苦却将永远存在。