English 中文(简体)

Gomez and Morticia are horrified to discover that Grandpa and Grandma Addams have a rare disease that is slowly turning them "normal". The only chance they have of curing them is to organise a family reunion, hoping that someone knows a home remedy. Unfortunately, due to a printing error, the family arrives at the reunion of an ordinary family named Adams (with one D). While Gomez and Morticia, oblivious to the mistake, search for a cure amongst a family divided by the wish to inherit; Pugsley and Wednesday are busy making new friends...explode; Uncle Fester and Thing search for a vicious Chihuahua that lives on human hair; and Lurch falls in love. Meanwhile, a couple going to the reunion are given the wrong address and end up at the Addams mansion where Granny and Cousin Itt are staying. No-one s life will ever be the same...
《阿达一族》是一部关于非裔美国人家庭的剧情电影。故事主要讲述了阿达家族三代人的生活和成长经历,以及他们所面临的种种困难和挑战。 在影片的大结局中,阿达家族的三代人经历了许多曲折的故事,但最终都在自己的领域里找到了自己的位置和价值。杰克逊和他的儿子Jason在音乐上取得了一定的成就,而Jason也找到了自己的爱人和人生目标。艾米丽在法律领域取得了成功,成为了一名杰出的律师,而她的女儿也在她的引导下成长为一个有梦想、有追求的年轻人。而阿达家族的长辈则在生活中找到了自己的安宁和快乐,他们也看到了自己的后代们在追逐自己的梦想。 这部电影通过阿达家族的生活经历,向人们传递了一种乐观、积极的人生态度。无论我们在面临什么样的困难和挑战,只要坚持自己的梦想和信念,努力追求自己的目标,就一定能够找到自己的位置和价值,在人生中取得成功和幸福。