English 中文(简体)

Valeria is the young assistant of a film producer. She lives in an apartment on the same floor of her mother and writes anonymously for a successful screenplayer, Alessandro Pes. One day she bumps into an odd retired policeman who tells her a criminal story. Valeria is wary but listens fascinated by him. When she goes back home she uses the story she has heard from the man as the subject for the forthcoming script of Alessandro Pes, which has been expected to be consigned to the producers for a long time. The subject is appreciated to the extent that the movie is financed even by foreign companies and an old but well-known American director is employed to direct it. However, this is a dangerous subject. In fact, The stolen Caravaggio tells the mysterious theft of a famous painting by Caravaggio, La natività, which has been stolen in Palermo by the Mafia. As a consequence, Valeria will play a role which is unusual to her.
《无名故事》讲述了一位年轻女孩的成长故事,她在一个小镇上生活,爱上了一个陌生男子,但在经历了许多挫折后,最终发现自己的真正爱情在身边。 影片最终通过一系列闪回,揭示了女主角的真实身份和过去经历的一切。她其实是来自一个豪门家族,但因为家族内部纷争和自己的选择,选择离开家庭,寻找自己的真正人生。 最终,在爱情和亲情的选择中,女主角选择回到自己的家庭,并和爱情前途未卜的男子分别。但她已经成长为一个坚强独立的女人,为自己和家人的未来做出了决定。 影片以美丽的画面和深刻的人物描写赢得了观众和评论家的赞誉。