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狗崽队 PupParazzi

"Pawparazzi Snap!", a gossip show hosted by Sydney Flow and his dog sidekick Nancy O Dogg, is the hottest celebrity gossip show on television. So what better place for London Bridges, a fast rising Hollywood starlet, to announce her next project "There Will Be Oil", an independent art film by acclaimed director Hugh Franklin and co-starring Dame Ruby Bench. With her pampered pomeranian Latte in tow, London arrives on location to see that she won t be receiving the star treatment she is used to. Not only will the film be shot on a farm in a secluded rural area, but London s accommodations will be on location as well. But when two thieves posing as Paparazzi show up to steal the prized "Academy Necklace" , a prized piece of Hollywood memorabilia that is bestowed about whomever is the current "it girl", London learns that her knight in shining armor is Tom, the simple farmer who is hosting her stay on the farm.
电影《狗崽队 PupParazzi》的大结局是这样的: 主角 Connor (Lucky Blue Smith) 终于和他的父亲 John (Kevin Pollak) 和好了,并决定继续从事狗崽队的工作。同时,Connor 和女友 Rebecca (Emily Procter) 之间的关系也变得更加稳定。 然而,Connor 发现自己仍然无法忽视他在狗界的名声和影响力,尤其是在他的竞争对手 Colton (Brandon Larracuente) 获得了一只非常珍贵的狗后,他更是感到无法平静。为了保持自己的地位,Connor 决定偷走 Colton 的狗,并将它带回家中。但他很快就意识到自己的错误,因为这只狗是一只失踪已久的珍稀品种,它的主人正在担心它的安危。 Connor 决定将狗归还给主人,并公开道歉。当他的行为被曝光后,他的名声受到了极大的损害,但他也意识到自己的错误,并决定放弃追求名利,专注于与狗崽队的队员们一起工作,为更多的狗狗们谋求福利。 电影以 Connor 和他的团队在一次大型狗崽队比赛中获胜而结束。他和他的父亲 John、女友 Rebecca 以及狗崽队的队员们一起庆祝胜利,这标志着 Connor 的人生重新回到了正轨。