English 中文(简体)

With a place in the family business and a beautiful girlfriend, wealthy Antoine seems to have everything. But his life is sent spinning when he s offered the lead role in a film. Agonizing over whether he should take the part, Antoine learns that Lucas, the actor previously cast for the role, had committed suicide. Apparently Lucas, who was gay, was having a tragic affair with Louise, the film s domineering director. Though uncertain about the project, Antoine decides to star in the film. His father quickly kicks him out of the house, forcing Antoine into the seductive arms of Louise...
电影《这是我的身体》的大结局是主人公雅克和马利克在一起,开始了一段幸福的生活。 整个故事围绕着雅克和马利克的感情展开。雅克是一名中年男子,是一名保险推销员。他的生活过得平淡无奇,妻子已经去世,他只有一个孤独的儿子。马利克是一名叙利亚难民,他在法国的生活并不容易,经常受到歧视和排斥。但他有一个梦想,那就是成为一名厨师。 两人在偶然的机会下相遇,并逐渐产生了感情。但是,他们之间的差距很大,除了性别和年龄,还有文化和背景的差异。他们的爱情因此受到了很多挑战和考验。 最终,他们克服了所有的困难,决定在一起。雅克和马利克的爱情得到了认可和接受,他们开始了一段幸福的生活。电影以两人在海边散步的画面结束,这也是两人相遇的地方,象征着他们的爱情一直在成长和发展。