English 中文(简体)

When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate. With the police investigation drawing blank after blank, Ritchie decides to take the law into his own hands and bring his old school justice back to the streets of East London. Rounding up his old firm, he leads a vigilante crusade against the vicious young criminals, using every grizzly method at his disposal to find and punish his brother s killers. They re outgunned and outnumbered, but this firm has never been outclassed yet.
注意:以下内容可能包含剧透。 电影《各取应得》讲述了一个家庭在儿子被谋杀后寻求正义的故事。在电影的大部分时间里,父母一直在寻找凶手,并希望能够让他受到应有的惩罚。最终,他们找到了凶手,但却发现法律并不能给他们想要的正义。 在电影的结尾,父母决定亲自为儿子复仇。他们找到了凶手,并将他绑架到一个荒废的地方。在那里,他们对他进行了折磨,试图让他承认罪行并为他们的损失赔偿。然而,凶手拒绝承认罪行,最终在一场混乱的斗争中被打死。 电影的结局让观众思考正义和复仇的区别。父母的行动是否正确?他们是否应该接受法律的判决,而不是自己行动?这些问题没有明确的答案,但电影提供了一个引人深思的结论:正义和复仇是两个不同的概念,我们必须在寻求正义的过程中保持冷静和理智。