Can a group of unemployed, out-of-shape ne er-do-wells transform themselves into the sleekest and most dynamic synchronized swimming team in Europe? That s the question posed by this inspirational underdog comedy from Sweden. Jonas Indie stars as Fredrik, a man completely out of touch with his own passion in life - that is, until he discovers the joy of hitting the pool and performing coordinated aerobics movements in the water with team mates. He soon joins a group of friends with like interests; unfortunately, none of them know a thing about swimming or performing balletically - meaning that it will be a long, hard uphill climb to the championships in Berlin. The pressure nearly doubles when Sweden s national swim organization takes notice and begins scoring them. Never one to be daunted, Fredrik summons his teenage daughter and implores her to train the men.
- 2013-中国-电影-《天注定》
- 2000-中国-电影-《站台2000》
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- 2023-美国-电影-《渗透》
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- 2022-韩国-电影-《下一个素熙》
- 1996-台湾-电影-《喋血劫花》
- 2020-美国-电影-《迷盲》
- 2015-日本-电影-《进击的巨人番外篇E03》