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《戀之罪》、《凶惡》後,又一駭人聽聞社會事件慾謀改編!靠交友網站吸血為生的單親媽媽,引爆由愛而生的殘酷凶案…。單親媽媽惠美子(瀨戶沙織 飾)為了賺取生活費,而在交友網站上尋找依附對象,他以對她傾心的真之助(岡山天音 飾)為目標,打算從他身上獲取財物。深陷於惠美子魅力之中的真之助,輕易被惠美子的謊言所騙,在她身上花了大量金錢。但惠美子身上的錢也因前夫和生活費所需,所剩無幾……某日,...
由于本平日里写的都是英文的结局,此处也给出一份英文版的结局,仅供参考。 The final scene of the Japanese drama film "Love Sickness" shows the two main characters, Yuki and Sho, standing on a bridge overlooking a river. Yuki has just been released from the hospital after a long battle with a serious illness, and Sho has been taking care of her throughout her treatment. As they stand on the bridge, Yuki expresses her gratitude to Sho for being there for her and supporting her through her illness. Sho tells her that he loves her and wants to be with her no matter what happens. The two embrace and share a kiss as the sun sets behind them. It is clear that they have both come to realize the depth of their feelings for each other and are committed to making their relationship work. The final shot of the film shows Yuki and Sho walking away from the bridge together, hand in hand, as the camera fades to black. It is a touching and emotional ending to a powerful story about the transformative power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.