English 中文(简体)
灵魂舞者 Te Ata

Te Ata (TAY AH-TAH) is based on the inspiring, true story of Mary Thompson Fisher, a woman who traversed cultural barriers to become one of the greatest Native American performers of all time. Born in Indian Territory, and raised on the songs and stories of her Chickasaw tribe, Te Ata s journey to find her true calling led her through isolation, discovery, love and a stage career that culminated in performances for a United States president, European royalty and audiences across the world. Yet of all the stories she shared, none are more inspiring than her own.
电影《灵魂舞者 Te Ata》的大结局是,主人公 Te Ata 成为了一位成功的演员和文化大使,她的表演和演讲向世界展现了印第安人的文化和价值观念。她与丈夫 Clyde 一起生活了一生,他们共同关心着印第安人的权益和文化保护。 电影的结尾中,Te Ata 在一个学校演讲结束后,被一位小女孩问到:“你是谁?” Te Ata 回答道:“我是 Te Ata,一个印第安人,我是一个讲述故事的人。” 这个对话体现了 Te Ata 所追求的意义,她一生致力于将印第安人的故事和文化传递给更多人,为印第安人争取尊严和尊重。