The end of the film sees George Smiley (Gary Oldman) and Jim Prideaux, now working together at SIS headquarters in London. They have uncovered a mole within their ranks who has been feeding information to Karla's KGB network for years.
Smiling is approached by his old friend Connie Sachs with news that she may know something about Operation Witchcraft - an operation which was supposed never existed but seems connected somehow through her researches into Soviet defectors over many decades; this could potentially lead them closer towards finding out what really happened during those fateful days when everything went wrong back then...
In conclusion: The movie ends on somewhat ambiguous note as we see our two main characters continuing work side-by-side trying unravel mysteries surrounding past events while also dealing personal demons from same time period too...://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pZ4y167Lm?share_source=copy_link&vd_sate=true">https:\/\/v.douyu.tv\/e3c8f0a2d5b84cf7bdb6bd9ffefedda01.html<\/iframe>