The Endurance: Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition (2000) is a documentary film that tells the story of Sir Ernest Shakelton and his crew who were stranded on ice floes in Antarctica for ten months. The movie ends with their rescue by Yacht, which was sent from Argentina to save them.
In 1914-17,Sir Earnest Shackle-ton led an expedition across Antarc-tic aboard ship called "Endur-anee". They got trapped into pack-i-ce after reaching South Georgia island. After spending winter at Paulet Island, they started drifting towards Weddell Sea where there are open water areas.Their food supplies ran out but luckily some whaling ships saw these men adrift-ing near Elephant Isl-and & supplied emergency rations.They then drifted further south until finally being rescued off Stromness Bay,South Georgi-a,in August 'l7by two yachts,theY-mouseandtheStromboli.Thus ended oneofthemostremarkable tales-of-survival-in-exploratory-history。://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/docu...ticle_id=104358.htm">http:/ / www.c h i n dail...
This article describes how Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s Terra Nova team died during its return journey back home while trying not only survive harsh conditions like blizzards or crevasse falls,but also compete against another British explorer named Roald Amundsen whose own Norwegian party had already reached pole earlier than any other group before him; however despite facing many hardships including starvation&frostbite loss this English squad remained determined till end even though it meant certain death as no help could reach time due date because world war I broke news about thier situation so nobody knew what happened untill later when search parties found bodies along route plus diary entries left behind revealing harrowing details final moments struggle endure cold elements nature unleashed upon human spirit willpower tested limits endurance pushed beyond breaking point yet still hope never abandoned faith humanity prevailed over adversity triumphed courage perseverance victory achieved through sacrifice love friendship loyalty bonds forged unbreakably strong forever remembered history books immortalized legacy lives lived fully cherished dearly missed deeply mournfully weepingly grieved agonizingly sorrowful heartbroken ang uished devastated crushed despairing despondent disconsolate inconsolab le bereft wretched woeful pitiful miserable pathetic tragic sad unfortunate calamitous dire perilous dangerous precarious risky hazardous treacherou s deadly fatal grim bleak hopeless
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