The story of the drama series "Build a Dream" revolves around several young people working at Xinhua Advertising Company in 1950s China. The main characters include Liang Bo, an ambitious and talented advertising executive; Wang Xiaodong,a hardworking employee who dreams to become successful like his father ;and Zhou Yuyin,a bright-eyed girl with artistic talent.
In this show,the protagonists face many challenges while trying their best for personal growth as well.They work together through hardships such poverty,wars,and political movements that shaped modern Chinese history.Their struggles reflect broader social changes during Maoist era.Chiefly,it explores themes love,responsibility,family values etc..The ending is hopeful yet realistic showing how these individuals overcome obstacles by staying true themselves despite adversity.This reflects optimism about future generations building on past achievements towards nation's progress.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_html(url):
response =requests.get('https: // en.wikiped' + url)
# print(response.status_code) #200表示请求成功
return html,soup
- URL格式不
_build-a-drea ```python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def get_html(url): response =requests.get('https: // en.wikiped' + url) # print(response.status_code) #200表示请求成功 soup=BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml') return html,soup url='mwiki_Building+a+Dream\(Chinese_TV-series\)' html_content=soups[1] text=str(s) print(text) ``` 这个代码片断尝试从维基百科获取关于“建筑梦”(一个网络上的名称,我不知道它是否正确,但我假设这是你提到的系列的一种称呼)的一个页面,并使用Python解析HTML内容。但有几个问题: - URL格式不
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