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11-14 电视剧《点燃我,温暖你》的大结局是什么。 大結束後,大熊和小美終於坦白了彼此的心意,並且在一起。而阿諾則是因為心臟病發作而住進醫院,他的女兒也因此回到家中陪伴他。在最後一刻,小剛決定放手並讓陳曉萱離開,而他們之間的情感纏繞至今仍然存在,但已經沒有過去那樣強烈。此外,《點燈的人、溫柔的是》的故事講述了一群年輕人如何面對生活中的困境,以及互相扶持與幫助。 The big ending of the TV series "Point at Me, Warm You" is as follows: After everything settles down,Bear and Mei finally confess their feelings to each other,and they are together. As for Annoyed,he suffers a heart attack which leads him into hospital,his daughter returns home due his condition.In last moment,Gang decides let Xiaoqian go away while there's still emotional attachment between them but not like before.This show tells about how young people face difficulties in life by helping & supporting one another. ://www.baidu.com/link?url=Zu5LWz3v1xQXf2JYjw8l6pTn9VHt7Ggk4Kd0OeRrNc&wd=&eqid=dcbcfb000001aee30000 11-15 根据您提供的情况,我将为您的问题整理一个答案: 这部电影讲诉关于几个青年人的成长与情缘,其中主角们分别经历恋爱、高考等生涯里面的种種挑战,他们为了实现梦想并找到属于自己的位置,在过程中学会珍惜眼前幸福,与身边亲朋好友携起 手共同渡过难关,最终走向成功。这是一段充满希望又带有现实色彩 的青春励志片,让观众看到他们勇敢地追求着 梦,并体验到生命里的酸甜苦辣,从 而激发内 心力量,为自己未来的道路加油添风采。 ```markdown This movie narrates stories on growths relationships among several youths.The main characters experience love affairs,college entrance examinations etc.challenges during adolescence.They strive towards realizing dreams finding