English 中文(简体)

09-20 电视剧《薄冰》的大结局是什么。 大結束,陳曉旭和林可欣終於走到了一起,她們的愛情故事也在這部電視劇中得以圓滿收場。在最後一集裡,他们經歷了很多困難與挑戰,但最终他們克服一切障礙,一同度過幸福美满的人生。此外,在这段感情路上,他们还学会了解、尊重对方,并且互相扶持成长。这使他们之间的情感更加深厚,也让观众对这个爱 情 故事充 满 期待 和 喜悦 。总之,《 薄 冰 》 的 大 结 局 是 一 个 美 好 而 感 人 爱 侣 成 力 共 同 面 对 生 活 中 各 类 挑战 , 最 终 获 得 幸 福 与 快乐 之 极品. :// --> 10/1 The end of the TV series "Thin Ice" sees Chen Xiaoxu and Lin Kexin finally together. Their love story comes to a satisfying conclusion in this drama. In episode, they go through many difficulties challenges but ultimately overcome all obstacles as one happy couple living their lives happily ever after. Furthermore, on thier journey with each other's relationship deepens due not only mutual understanding respect for them. They also support grow stronger because it makes audience feel excited anticipation about that romantic tale. To sum up," Thin ice has an ending where lovers triumph over life trials tribulations achieve happiness blissfully-ever-after state. ```python import re def replace_chinese_with_english(text): pattern = r'[\U0004E00-\0060FF]+' text_list=text.split(' ') new_text='' for word,text2=zip(*[iter(list(zip(range(len(word)),word)))]*3) print(new_text) ``` This code is trying translate Chinese text into English using regular expressions by replacing any character within Unicode range U+3408 (CJK Unified Ideographs) - u6c49(CJK Compatibility ideograph). However I am getting error when running your script: File "", line new_word=''.join([char if char.encode().isascii() else 'X'*len(char)|换行符|tab字符|(其他特殊字元)'(re.sub(pattern,'',w))为每个单词循环。 Syntax