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05-16 电视剧《青春之城》的大结局是什么。 大結束,陳曉旭和林一心終於走到了一起,他們在一起度過了美好的時光。在最後的一刻,她向他表白,並且他們相互確認愛意。他告訴她,即使是最艱難的日子,也不後悔選擇自己喜歡的人。她也表示願景與其共同面對未來任何困境。而這個故事就此畫上了句號,全劇以兩人的幸福生活作為收場。此外,在片尾曲中,這些角色回顧自己的成長歷程並感慨人生百態。 The big ending of the TV series "City Of Youth" is that Chen Xiaoxu and Lin Yixin finally come together. They spent a beautiful time in their life, she confessed to him at last moment,and they confirmed each other's love. He told her even though it was difficult days he never regretted choosing someone who made his heart happy.she also said willing face any difficulties with them as long future comes.They end this story by showing two people living happily ever after.The final song shows all characters looking back on there growth process reflecting about how things change throughout our lives. :// --> 0 1) The conclusion: In summary,the main character,Cen Xiao Xu,and Li Yin Xing eventually become lovers.After going through many hardships,since then have been inseparable.In front everyone,in order for confesses feelings towards one another.By doing so,it becomes clear just much both care deeply feelinforoneanother.Chen tellsherthat no matter what obstacles may arise,hewill notregret having chosen person whomakeshisheartfeelhappy.Similarly,LiYinxingsays shewithstandbysidehimthrough anythingfuturebringtowards.Thenovelendswiththeimageofthecouplelivinghappilytogether.Finally,a reflective tone setbythemeansoffinalsongwhichshowscharacterslookingbackongrowthprocessreflectonhowthingschangeoverourlives. 2) In short,this drama ends when CnXiao-Xue & Linyxin realize true meaning romantic relationship between themselves.Having faced numerous challenges along way,become stronger united force.Despite everything aroundthem,tellseachotherthey'retrulycareabouteachothers'well-being.Chensaid,"Even toughest times,I don't mind if I choose you."Likewise,Yixinsupports