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  利益为上的中年商人陈必达(严屹宽 饰)在一场意外后与高中生高文明(周奇饰)交换记忆,成为了育英中学的高二学生,更意外发现自己竟然有一个素未谋面的儿子江宇(李明德饰),还阴差阳错和江宇成为同桌。陈必达用自己经商的经验和江宇打交道,却发现成人规则在他们这群中学生中根本不起作用,闹出了各种啼笑皆非的事件。陈必达在儿子这里处处碰壁,回不去自己的身体,公司随时面临着被收购的危险,不久后真正的高文明也在陈必达身体中醒来、从中捣乱……而这场意外背后的真相让人大跌眼镜,陈必达必须做出选择:要亲情还是利益。
: 中国大陆电视剧《我和我爸的十七岁》的大结局是什么 _REF1_0 {REF} 2019-08月 -05T02时 :00Z /en/answer/question?question_id=5c8d7a6f4e3b2ab62afedcf&lang=en&qtext=%E%BD%E%D%B%C%A%X+ %D+%B%d+C_%C+A_F_B's_Age_of_Uncertainty&pseudoid=fakeid12345678901234567890123456789012&rndkey=pseudo_key_here }{END} The end of the Chinese TV series "My Father and I at Seventeen" is as follows: In this episode, Liang Xiaojie (played by Wang Yibo) finally confesses his love to Zhou Shengyuan. The two have a deep conversation about their feelings for each other. Liang Xiao Jiu then decides that he wants them both go on an adventure together with her father before they graduate from high school in order make up lost time due family issues between him & Mr.Zhou. They embark upon journey traveling around China visiting various places such historical significance while also reflecting deeply personal experiences along way. During trip, misunderstandings occur when Mrs.Lin mistakenly believes there romantic relationship exists causing tension within group leading heated argument ensue involving all parties involved including parents who are initially opposed idea but eventually come understand importance experience had brought everyone closer than ever As climax approaches tensions rise further until final confrontation takes place whereupon it revealed truth behind misunderstanding was caused miscommunication rather any malicious intent or ill-will towards anyone concerned Ultimately after much soul-searching introspection apologies made heartfelt reconciliations achieved among entire cast members leaving viewers feel sense closure having witnessed emotional rollercoaster ride throughout show run Finally during graduation ceremony held grand finale scene sees characters celebrate achievements successes despite hardships faced over past year promising continue moving forward hand-in-hand united spirit friendship forged through trials tribulations experienced thus far {/p> 在这部中国電視劇“我的父亲与17歲”結束時,梁小九(王一博飾)終於坦白了他對周生源的心情。兩人進行了一次深刻的情感交流。 接著,他決定與他的女兒一起跟她的父親去旅行,以弥补因家庭问题而错失的一些时间。在他們高中畢業前,他们遊歷中國各地參觀有历史意义的地方,並反