《 大 宋 少年 志 2 》 的 结 局 是 在 王 庆 朝 与 张 天 飞 分 别 成 为 国 子 监 生 和 太 学 弟子的同时,李 元 勇与张天飞的友谊得以升华。在这部电视剧中,最终王庆朝和赵秀英成为了夫妻,而刘光第则在最后一刻挣脱了牢狱之灾,与其余的人团聚。这场关于青春、梦想及兄弟情誓的小说终于画上了句号,全员离去时互相拥抱告别,这正是这个故事最美好的部分:无论走到哪里,他们都将铭记彼此,并且永远地珍视那段共同经历。
The conclusion of "Great Song Teen Dreams Season Two" sees Wang Qingchao and Zhang Tianfei becoming respectively National Academy students (Guozijian)and Imperial University disciples(Taixue Dizhi). Meanwhile, Li Yuan Yong's friendship with Zang Tien Feiy is further strengthened. In the end,WanqingChu becomes husband to Zhao Xiuying while Liu Guangdi manages a narrow escape from prison just in time for reunification wit his friends.
This novel about youth,dreams,and brotherhood oaths comes full circle as everyone departs,hugging each other goodbye.This beautiful moment captures what this story was all abou: no matter where they go,they will remember one another forever cherishing that shared experience together.
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