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  该剧讲述了五年前,警方重创了“西北狼”犯罪集团,但首领古木岚、骨干老枪和警方派出的卧底林柯等人全部失踪,生死难测。五年后“西北狼”集团死灰复燃重现江湖,警察楚一寒(王子奇 饰)为了寻找母亲林柯(刘威葳 饰),主动请缨成为卧底潜入犯罪集团,在前刑侦副支队长、当年西北狼案的主要执行人程樊的支援下一步步深入犯罪集团的核心。在这个过程中,楚一寒与古蔺娜(苏晓彤 饰)产生交集并互生好感,两人一同经历了系列阴谋,最终在险象环生之中拨开了重重迷雾。
: 中国大陆电视剧《黑白密码》的大结局是什么剧情 ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Code_(2019_TV_series) The Code is a British crime drama television series, created by Chris Lang and produced for ITV. The first season premiered on 15 March to April in the UK. It stars David Harewood as DCI Tom Clarke (a Muslim police officer), Jack Rowan as Jude Younger - an ambitious young detective who has recently transferred from London's Murder Squad; Tahirah Sharif 作为Samantha 'Sam' Weaver – A female Detective Sergeant with whom he works closely. In this show they investigate crimes that are related or connected somehow through computer code clues left at each scene of murder. As per Wikipedia information there isn't much about how it ends but I can tell you what little info exists: "The second episode was broadcasted May [year]". This suggests its still airing so no conclusion yet based off Wiki data alone.[1] So while we don’t have specific details regarding "大陆电视" ending due lack current knowledge beyond initial episodes & premise outlined above,the general plot revolves around detectives solving murders using codes found written/hidden near victims bodies/crime scenes which seems central theme thus far according wiki source. If more concrete finale spoilers become available without infringing copyrights,I'll update my answer accordingly once aired! But currently only able provide high-level overview not exact story specifics post-finale since TV seasons ongoing. [责任编辑:](http://%EF%BC%B6%E8%A7%C4+%E5%D0 %F2) 本文档内容仅供参考,建议谨慎使用。如有任何问题,请联系原作者或版权所有者。

```html 关于《暗号-追凶先锋》的結尾部分,我查到的信息有限,但可以提供一些概括性的劇透。 整個故事圍繞著一群英國警探們根據在犯罪現場發现的編碼線索來解決謀殺案展開。在第一季中,他们主要关注了一个系列谋杀事件,其中包括了一位名叫艾丽卡·斯通(Eliza Stone)的女孩被害以及与此相关联的一些其他命运多舛的人物。这其中还牵扯到DCi克拉里和尤德之间工作上的磨合,以及他们如何处理个人生活與职业生涇