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: 中国大陆电视剧《神隐》的大结局是什么 ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavenly_Mother_(TV_series) 《天母》(英語:)是一部由台灣電視公司(TVC)製作的偶像剧,於2004年3月21日首播。该电视劇改编自日本漫画家山田风太郎创作的小说“母亲”。 本片讲述了一个关于家庭、爱情和责任等主题。在台湾,该系列获得极高的人气。 内容简介: 故事发生在现代都市里,一位名叫林秀英(张艾丽饰)的普通妇女,她有两个孩子——儿子小明与千金阿美。她們家的生活平淡无奇,但她始終對兩個兒童充滿愛與呵護。一向認為自己是完完全全正常人的李太后來到這裡,並且搬進他們一大家庭中。但隨著她的出现,小孩们開始出現一些怪異现象,如梦游或失忆。此外,他们还发现这个世界上竟然存在着许多隐藏于人類之間的一些秘密力量。而这些能力使得他们家族中的成员变得越来 越强大起来。这一切都让她们陷入了一种无法理解的情景。本集結束時,在医院病房里的妈媽突然消聲匿影,而被救治後恢复記憶的是爸爲何事物而努力工作?他究竟能否挽回妻子的生命? The Heavenly Mother is a Taiwanese idol drama produced by Taiwan Television Enterprise (TTV), which premiered on March 14, … This series tells the story of family love and responsibility. InTaiwan, thisseries has gained great popularity. Synopsis: Set in modern city life,a woman named Lin Xiu-ying playedby Zhang Aili who lives with her two children Xiao Mingand An Mei.She always loves them very much.Theirfamily'slifeis quite ordinary.Once she thought herself to be completely normal person Li Taihao came here,and moved into their household.But sinceher arrival,the kids start experiencing some strange phenomena such as sleepwalking or memory loss.Furthermore,it was discovered that there are many hidden powers among humans.Instead they become stronger,this puts everyone at an awkward situation.Atthe endofthis episode,in hospital room,mom suddenly disappears while dad recovers his memories.Working hard for what