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: 中国大陆电视剧《消失的大象》的大结局是什么 ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalypse_Now_(film) Apocalypto is a 2006 American epic adventure film written, produced and directed by Mel Gibson. The story takes place in the Maya civilization during its decline at about AD565. The protagonist Jaguar Paw (Rudy Youngblood) lives with his wife Balam's mother Mayahuel), their son Kenan,and her father Chakka who are among those captured as slaves to be sacrificed for appeasing gods of death after they were defeated from war or battle. Jaguar paw escapes into jungle while being taken away, he meets other prisoners including Seven( Daliah Hopkins). They plan an escape but it fails when one prisoner betrays them. He returns back home only find out that all have been killed except him & seven. He then goes on journey through dangerous terrain filled up rivers,caves etc., finally reaches temple where sacrifices take places.He rescues everyone there killing many warriors along way using skills learnt earlier In end scene we see jagaur paws family reunited happily together celebrating victory over evil forces which tried dominate region So overall plot revolves around struggle against oppressive regime led ruthless ruler Zero Wolf(Moreno playing villainous role )and triumphing good prevailing bad guys.The movie ends showing hope life will continue despite hardships faced humanity due mankind’s darkest hour : 消息:《灭绝人性》的故事发生在公元前5世纪的美索不达米亚,这个地区正经历一场大型战争。电影由导演Mel·吉伯森执拍摄,主角是名叫塔拉斯的人,他与家人们生活得相对安定。但随着战火蔓延,他们被迫逃离故乡。在漫长旅程中,一路上他们遇到了许多困境,但最终成功抵抗了敌人的进攻,并且重回自己的村庄。 影片最后,在一个充满希望和光明气氛的情景结束。这部作品展现了一群普通百姓为了生存、尊严而勇敢斗争的一段历史,是关于人类力量胜利地反击邪恶势力的一个寰球题材巨制。 原文链接:[1] ```markdown ```