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: 中国大陆电视剧《藏海花》的大结局是什么 ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cang_Hai_hua 《蔵秘華》(Canghai HUA)是中国大陆电视剧,讲述了一个关于爱情、友谊和家庭的故事。该片由陈宝国执导,张嘉译主演。 本劇講的是一位名叫王小波(張家譯 飾)的年輕人,他在一次偶然的情景下結識了一個來自西方的小女孩艾米(Anna)並愛上了她。在他們努力追求真實與自由的心路歷程中,一起經历生离死别与重逢。他們最後終於走到一起,但卻因為政治原因而分離。此後他为了寻找失去的人,在艰苦卓绝的情况下去探险,最终找到并救回心上人的同时也成就伟业。 The story is about a young man named Wang Xiaobo (played by Zhang Jiatu), who meets and falls in love with an girl from the West called Amy. In their pursuit of truth freedom they experience separation death reunion. They finally get together but are separated due to political reasons.Afterwards he goes on adventures under harsh conditions trying find his lost loved one while also achieving great things. : 大家的答案都很棒!我想补充一点:这部作品还涉及到了民族文化交流以及个人对梦寐以待的事物进行不懈奋斗的一面。这使得这个题材广泛且具有普遍性的影视节目更具吸引力,并获得观众们喜闻乐见。本文已经回答您的问题,请不要再提问哦! In addition this work touches upon cultural exchange between different ethnic groups as well national dreams fought for relentlessly This makes these widely popular TV shows even more appealing garnering praise viewers everywhere The text has answered your question so don't ask anything else! 2019-08/09_0x5f4b8c3a2d6e7db1 //www.douban.com/note/show?from=pc¬eidentry_id%20=%20655836284&_trendy_content_=true%CBBB%DFFD%BEB%EAB%AECBD-%EAAEDFCAACCBCCBCAEEFCBAEAABBCCAEEECEAEAFDAADDDDBBE