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中国台湾电影《台北物语》的大结局是什么 《台北物语》是一部描绘台湾社会风貌的电影,讲述了一个年轻人在台北的成长与生活经历。电影的结局描述了这个年轻人在台北的生活已经走过了很多年,他在台北的生活经历让他成长为一个成熟的男人。电影的结局发生在一个夏天的夜晚,年轻人站在台北101的观景台上,凝视着繁华的台北市区。这个时候,他回忆起他在台北度过的那些年,回忆起他与朋友、家人、爱人之间的欢乐与痛苦,回忆起他在台北度过的每一个瞬间。年轻人在台北101的观景台上,感受着台北夜晚的凉风,感受着台北的繁华与热闹,感受着自己在台北度过的那些年所带来的成长与成熟。最后,年轻人站在台北101的观景台上,凝视着繁华的台北市区,感慨万分,感叹自己在台北度过的那些年,感叹自己在台北成长的经历。电影的结局以年轻人站在台北101的观景台上,感受着台北的繁华与热闹,感受着自己在台北度过的那些年所带来的成长与成熟,结束了这个关于台北的故事。://www.51qiyi.com The end of the movie "Taipei Story" is set in a summer night in Taipei. The young man stands on the observation deck of Taipei 101, looking at the bustling city of Taipei. At this moment, he recalls the years he spent in Taipei, recalling the joy and pain he shared with his friends, family, and lover, and recalling every moment he spent in Taipei. Standing on the observation deck of Taipei 101, the young man feels the cool breeze of the Taipei night, feels the prosperity and bustle of Taipei, and feels the growth and maturity brought by the years he spent in Taipei. Finally, the young man stands on the observation deck of Taipei 101, looking at the bustling city of Taipei,