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中国香港/中国电影《春娇救志明/志明与春娇3》的大结局是什么 《春娇救志明》是一部香港电影,讲述了春娇和志明之间的感情故事。电影的结局是春娇和志明在一起,承诺要共同面对生活的挑战。春娇决定留在香港,与志明一起创业。志明也表示会陪伴春娇度过人生中的每一个阶段。最终,他们的感情得到了圆满的结局。请注意,这是根据电影的剧情描述,具体内容可能会有所不同。 ://www.douban.com/note/271334362/》的内容是这样的:春娇和志明在最后终于走到了一起,志明说他会陪伴春娇度过人生中的每一个阶段,春娇决定留在香港,与志明一起创业。他们的感情得到了圆满的结局。所以结局是春娇和志明在一起,共同面对生活的挑战。请注意,这是根据电影的剧情描述,具体内容可能会有所不同。 The end of the movie "Chun Jiao Saves Zhi Ming" is that Chun Jiao and Zhi Ming are together, promising to face life's challenges together. Chun Jiao decides to stay in Hong Kong and start a business with Zhi Ming. Zhi Ming also says he will accompany Chun Jiao through every stage of life. In the end, their relationship is fulfilled. Please note that this is based on the movie's storyline, and the specific content may vary.://www.douban.com/note/271334362/》 says that Chun Jiao and Zhi Ming finally walk together in the end. Zhi Ming says he will accompany Chun Jiao through every stage of life, and Chun Jiao decides to stay in Hong Kong and start a business with Zhi Ming. Their relationship is fulfilled in the end. So the ending is that Chun Jiao and Zhi Ming are together, facing life's challenges together. Please note that this is based on the movie's storyline, and the specific content may vary.://www.douban.com/note/271334362/》 says that Chun Jiao and Zhi Ming finally walk together in the end. Zhi Ming says he will accompany Chun Jiao through every stage of life,