English 中文(简体)

  影片讲述了一代名将戚继光南征倭寇还沿海太平的传奇故事,明中期嘉靖年间,地方官府腐败、明兵军心不整,倭寇趁虚而入,屡次进犯东南沿海。正值内忧外患之际,戚继光(赵文卓 饰)临危受命,与俞大猷(洪金宝 饰)自行招募三千义乌村民,在短短数日之内,以严明军纪、非常手段操练新兵,以先进武器 、精绝阵法武装部队,成为史上首支“特种部队”、闻名中外的“戚家军”。
中国电影《荡寇风云/战神戚继光》的大结局是什么 《荡寇风云/战神戚继光》是2006年上映的一部中国大陆历史剧情片,讲述了明朝时期戚继光的生平。电影的结局是这样的:在戚继光的努力下,明朝政府最终决定组建戚继光所提出的“水师”、“陆师”和“城守”三大军团。戚继光被任命为水陆总兵,负责这三大军团的统筹兼顾。随后,明朝与倭寇的战争逐渐取得了胜利,戚继光的战略和指挥得到了认可。最后,戚继光在明朝政府的嘉奖下,荣获“战神”之称。电影以戚继光的英勇事迹和战略才能的发挥而结束。 The conclusion of the Chinese film "Dangkou Fengyun / Zhanshen Qi Jixiang" is as follows: Through the efforts of Qi Jixiang, the Ming Dynasty government finally decided to establish the three major military units proposed by him, namely "Water Army", "Land Army" and "City Defense". Qi Jixiang was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the three military units, responsible for their overall coordination. Subsequently, the war between the Ming Dynasty and the Japanese pirates gradually turned in favor of the Ming Dynasty, and Qi Jixiang's strategies and command were recognized. Finally, under the praise of the Ming Dynasty government, Qi Jixiang was honored with the title of "War God". The film ends with Qi Jixiang's heroic exploits and the realization of his strategic talents.://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p