韩国 电影《军舰岛》的大结局是什么
《军舰岛》讲述的是一群在韩国战后时期的流浪汉在一座废弃的军舰上过活的故事。电影的结局是这样的:在电影的最后,金东旭(Kim Dong-chun)和其他流浪汉们在军舰上度过了最后一晚。第二天早上,金东旭醒来后发现军舰已经被拖走了。金东旭悲伤地看着远去的军舰,最后他独自走向海边,站在海滩上,凝视着远方。电影画面最后展示了一个在海滩上捡到一枚子弹的流浪汉,这个子弹可能是从军舰上掉下来的。电影以这个悬念结束,留给观众很多联想和思考。
The conclusion of the Korean movie "Military Island" is as follows: In the end of the movie, Kim Dong-chun and the other homeless people spend their last night on the abandoned military ship. The next morning, Kim Dong-chun wakes up to find that the ship has been towed away. He sadly watches the ship disappear into the distance, and finally walks alone towards the sea, standing on the beach, gazing into the distance. The final shot of the movie shows a homeless person picking up a bullet on the beach, which might have fallen from the ship. The movie ends with this cliffhanger, leaving much for the audience to speculate and ponder.://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p>://p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //p> //
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