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美国 电影《小丑回魂》的大结局是什么 《小丑回魂》(It)是一部美国恐怖片,讲述了一个小镇上发生了一系列恐怖事件,最后揭示出是小镇上一个名叫彭妮·格尔斯(Pennywise the Dancing Clown)的恶魔小丑在背后所为。电影的结局中,彭妮·格尔斯被勇敢的主人公比尔和他的朋友们所击败,最后被困在一个充满火焰的洞穴中。然而,电影的结局并没有完全结束这个故事,留下了一个悬念,暗示着彭妮·格尔斯在未来的某个时刻可能会再次回到这个小镇,继续其恐怖行径。 在电影的结局中,彭妮·格尔斯被困在一个充满火焰的洞穴中,这意味着他暂时被打败了,但并没有被完全消灭。电影的最后一幕中,主人公比尔和他的朋友们站在一片湖泊的边缘,湖泊上漂浮着一艘船,船上有一个看起来非常可怕的东西。这个悬念暗示着彭妮·格尔斯可能会在未来的某个时刻通过这个船重新回到这个小镇,继续其恐怖行径。这使得观众留下了一个巨大的悬念,期待着《小丑回魂》的续集或是其他相关作品,探索彭妮·格尔斯的命运以及他可能对这个小镇带来的未来的恐怖。://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/08/13/20190813-It-sequel.html The conclusion of the movie "It" reveals that the evil clown Pennywise is defeated by the brave protagonist Bill and his friends, and he is trapped in a cave filled with fire. However, the ending of the movie does not completely end the story, leaving a suspenseful cliffhanger, suggesting that Pennywise the Dancing Clown may return to the small town at some point in the future to continue his terrifying acts. In the final scene of the movie, Pennywise is trapped in a cave filled with fire, which means he is temporarily defeated but not completely destroyed. The