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美国/加拿大 电影《小马宝莉大电影》的大结局是什么 《小马宝莉大电影》是一部美国动画电影,讲述了小马宝莉和她的朋友们在梦幻之谷的冒险故事。电影的结局是这样的:在最后一场战斗中,梦幻之谷的居民们与邪恶的夜影军团展开了最后的决战。小马宝莉和她的朋友们为了保护梦幻之谷,勇敢地站到了前线。经过一番激烈的战斗,夜影军团最终被打败了。夜影军团的领导者也被制服,梦幻之谷终于摆脱了邪恶的侵扰。电影的结局充满了希望和友情的力量,表达了团结一致对抗邪恶的重要性。小马宝莉和她的朋友们在这场战斗中成长了很多,他们的友情和勇气也得到了充分的展示。最终,梦幻之谷恢复了和平,居民们欢聚一堂,庆祝胜利。电影以这样的结局结束,给观众留下了温馨而又充满正能量的印象。 The conclusion of the movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is as follows: In the final battle, the residents of Equestria fight against the evil Nightmare Race. My Little Pony and her friends bravely stand on the front line to protect Equestria. After a fierce battle, the Nightmare Race is finally defeated. The leader of the Nightmare Race is also subdued, and Equestria is finally freed from the invasion of evil. The conclusion of the movie is full of hope and the power of friendship, expressing the importance of unity in the face of evil. My Little Pony and her friends grow a lot in this battle, and their friendship and courage are fully demonstrated. Finally, Equestria returns to peace, and the residents gather together to celebrate the victory. The movie ends with such a conclusion, leaving viewers with a warm and full of positive energy impression.://> The conclusion of the movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is as follows: In the final battle, the residents of Equestria fight against the evil Nightmare Race. My Little Pony and her friends bravely stand on the front line to protect Equestria. After a fierce battle, the Nightmare Race is finally