德国/法国 电影《深海狂鲨2》的大结局是什么
The movie "Deep Blue Sea 2" tells the story of a group of fishermen and a giant shark. The end of the movie is: After a fierce battle, the shark is eventually hit by a missile and sinks to the bottom of the sea. The fishermen narrowly escape, but their ship is destroyed. At the end of the movie, the skeleton of the shark is discovered, proving its existence. However, the movie does not explicitly state whether the shark is really dead. The ending leaves a question about the fate of the shark, leaving it up to the audience to ponder the themes of life and survival.://www.51voa.com/voa/2006/0610/2006061001.html
- 2013-中国-电影-《天注定》
- 2000-中国-电影-《站台2000》
- 2020-美国-电影-《特斯拉》
- 2023-美国-电影-《渗透》
- 1983-台湾-电影-《看海的日子》
- 2007-台湾-电影-《色,戒》
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- 2000-法国-电影-《幽情秘恋》
- 1988-台湾-电影-《少妇恋情》
- 2007-美国-电影-《潜水钟与蝴蝶》
- 2004-意大利-电影-《别碰我》
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- 2019-越南-电影-《再见,妈妈》
- 2022-韩国-电影-《下一个素熙》
- 1996-台湾-电影-《喋血劫花》
- 2020-美国-电影-《迷盲》
- 2015-日本-电影-《进击的巨人番外篇E03》