English 中文(简体)

美国 电影《世界之间》的大结局是什么 《世界之间》是一部科幻电影,讲述了一个年轻的科学家在实验中意外穿越到另一个平行宇宙,遇到了一个完全不同的自己。电影的结局是这样的:在这个平行宇宙中,年轻科学家的另一个自我已经成为了一个邪恶的超级英雄,拥有着强大的力量。这个邪恶的自我试图征服这个宇宙,并且已经成功地征服了大部分地区。年轻科学家意识到他必须回到自己的宇宙,阻止这个邪恶的自我。为了回到自己的宇宙,他必须找到一个通往那个宇宙的门户。经过一系列的冒险和挑战,他最终找到了通往自己的宇宙的门户。然而,在穿越门户之前,他还必须与自己的另一个自我展开一场激烈的战斗。最终,他成功地击败了自己的邪恶自我,并且回到自己的宇宙。回到自己的宇宙后,他意识到自己在这个宇宙中所经历的一切都是为了让他成长为一个更好的自己。在电影的结尾,年轻科学家决定继续他的科学研究,希望能够找到一种方法来保护自己的宇宙免受其他平行宇宙中的邪恶势力侵扰。 The conclusion of the movie "Between Worlds" is as follows: In this parallel universe, the young scientist's other self has already become an evil superhero with immense power. This evil self tries to conquer this universe and has successfully conquered most of the regions. The young scientist realizes that he must return to his own universe to stop this evil self. To return to his own universe, he must find a gateway leading to that universe. After going through a series of adventures and challenges, he finally finds the gateway to his own universe. However, before crossing the gateway, he must engage in a fierce battle with his other evil self. In the end, he successfully defeats his evil self and returns to his own universe. Upon returning to his own universe, he realizes that everything he experienced in this universe was to make him grow into a better version of himself. In the conclusion of the movie, the young scientist decides to continue his scientific research, hoping to find a way to protect his universe from the evil forces from other parallel universes.://-->