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美国 电影《最终行动》的大结局是什么 《最终行动》是一部美国科幻动作电影,讲述了一群宇航员在太空中执行任务时遇到了外星人。电影的结局是这样的:在与外星人的战斗中,宇航员们成功地摧毁了外星人的母舰。然而,在战斗结束后,他们发现自己无法返回地球,因为他们的飞船受损。最后,宇航员们决定在一个适合人类生活的星球上建立新家,并开始为此做准备。电影以宇航员们在新星球上开始新生活的画面结束。://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/05/08/4525367.html ://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/05/08/4525367.html The movie "The Final Countdown" is a science fiction action film from the United States. It tells the story of astronauts who encounter extraterrestrials while on a mission in space. The end of the movie is as follows: In the battle with the extraterrestrials, the astronauts successfully destroyed the alien mothership. However, after the battle, they found that they could not return to Earth because their ship was damaged. Finally, the astronauts decided to settle on a planet suitable for human life and began to prepare for it. The movie ends with the astronauts starting a new life on the new planet.://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/05/08/4525367.html 电影《最终行动》的结局是这样的:在与外星人的战斗中,宇航员们成功地摧毁了外星人的母舰。然而,在战斗结束后,他们发现自己无法返回地球,因为他们的飞船受损。最后,宇航员们决定在一个适合人类生活的星球上建立新家,并开始为此做准备。电影以宇航员们在新星球上开始新生活的画面结束。://www.51voa.com/voa/2019/05/08/4525367.html 在电影《最终行动》的结局中,宇航员们在与外星人作战时,成功地摧毁了外星人的母舰。战斗结束后,他们发现自己的