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日本 电影《拉普拉斯的魔女》的大结局是什么 《拉普拉斯的魔女》是一部日本电影,讲述了一个数学家为了解决拉普拉斯猜想而与魔女结盟的故事。电影的结局是这样的:数学家在与魔女的合作中,逐渐失去了自己的理智,陷入了疯狂之中。最终,他意识到自己已经无法摆脱魔女的控制,决定在与魔女的最后一场对决中,利用拉普拉斯猜想的力量来打败魔女。经过一番激烈的战斗,数学家成功地将魔女封印在了一个空间之中,从而解救了世界免受魔女的侵害。然而,在这个过程中,数学家也付出了巨大的代价,他的生命力逐渐枯竭,最终在魔女被封印后不久,英年早逝。电影的结局充满了悲剧色彩,表达了一个人为了追求知识和理想而付出的巨大代价。 The ending of the Japanese movie "The Witch of the Scarlet Ceremony" is as follows: The mathematician, in his collaboration with the witch, gradually lost his sanity and fell into madness. Finally, he realized that he could no longer escape the witch's control and decided to use the power of the Riemann hypothesis in his final battle against the witch. After a fierce battle, the mathematician successfully sealed the witch in a space, thus rescuing the world from the witch's invasion. However, in the process, the mathematician paid a huge price, his life force gradually withered, and he passed away at a young age shortly after the witch was sealed. The ending of the movie is filled with tragic colors, expressing the great price a person pays in pursuit of knowledge and ideals.://> The ending of the Japanese movie "The Witch of the Scarlet Ceremony" is as follows: The mathematician, in his collaboration with the witch, gradually lost his sanity and fell into madness. Finally, he realized that he could no longer escape the witch's control and decided to use the power of the Riemann hypothesis in his final battle against the witch. After a fierce battle, the mathematician successfully sealed the witch in a space, thus rescuing the world from the witch's invasion. However, in the process, the mathematician paid a