English 中文(简体)

  《宝贝儿》是由侯孝贤监制、刘杰执导的纪实风格文艺片,讲述的是一个因为严重先天缺陷而被父母抛弃的弃儿江萌(杨幂 饰),拯救另一个被父母宣判了“死刑”的缺陷婴儿的故事。
中国 电影《宝贝儿》的大结局是什么 《宝贝儿》是一部中国电影,讲述了一个患有重病的女孩儿和她的好友在寻找她生前的意中人过程中的故事。电影的结局是这样的:在寻找过程中,女孩儿的好友发现了她的生前留下的线索,通过线索找到了意中人。意中人在得知女孩儿已经离世后,非常悲痛。好友陪伴着意中人,帮助他度过了这个难以承受的时期。最后,意中人决定将女孩儿的骨灰与自己的骨灰一起安葬,表示对她永恒的爱意。电影以这个充满爱意的结局画上了句号。 The ending of the Chinese film "宝贝儿" is as follows: During the process of searching, the girl's friend found the clue left by her in her previous life, and found her destined person through the clue. When the destined person learned that the girl had passed away, he was very sad. The friend accompanied the destined person, helping him get through this unbearable period. Finally, the destined person decided to bury the girl's ashes and his own ashes together, expressing his eternal love for her. The film ended with this ending full of love.://> ://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://> // //