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法国 电影《三方国界》的大结局是什么 《三方国界》是一部法国电影,讲述了三个国家的边界线附近发生的一系列事件。电影的结局是这样的:在最后一场战斗中,三个国家的军队都遭受了重创。随着战争的结束,三个国家的领导人决定在谈判桌上解决他们之间的分歧。经过一系列的磋商和协商,三个国家最终达成了共识,决定废除边界线,将三个国家合并为一个新的国家。这个新的国家将实行民主制度,所有居民都将享有平等的权利。电影以这个新的开始画上了句点。 The Three Borders Line is a French film that tells the story of a series of events that occur near the border lines of three countries. The conclusion of the movie is as follows: In the final battle, the armies of the three countries all suffered heavy losses. With the end of the war, the leaders of the three countries decided to resolve their differences at the negotiating table. After a series of consultations and negotiations, the three countries eventually reached a consensus and decided to abolish the border lines, merging the three countries into a new nation. This new nation would implement a democratic system, and all residents would enjoy equal rights. The movie ends with this new beginning.://> The Three Borders Line is a French film that tells the story of a series of events that occur near the border lines of three countries. The conclusion of the movie is as follows: In the final battle, the armies of the three countries all suffered heavy losses. With the end of the war, the leaders of the three countries decided to resolve their differences at the negotiating table. After a series of consultations and negotiations, the three countries eventually reached a consensus and decided to abolish the border lines, merging the three countries into a new nation. This new nation would implement a democratic system, and all residents would enjoy equal rights. The movie ends with this new beginning.://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://