爱尔兰 电影《教授与疯子/牛津解密》的大结局是什么
The conclusion of the movie "Professor and the Madman" is as follows: In the end, the professor and the mysterious madman engage in a fierce confrontation. The madman is eventually arrested by the police. However, during this confrontation, the professor is seriously injured and his life is in danger. In his final moments, as he is about to leave, the professor discovers the secret that the madman has hidden in his heart - the madman is actually the professor's younger brother. This secret shocks and saddens the professor. Finally, with the accompaniment of a doctor, the professor passes away peacefully. The movie ends with the professor's death and his brother's arrest.://>
The conclusion of the movie "Professor and the Madman" is as follows: In the end, the professor and the mysterious madman engage in a fierce confrontation. The madman is eventually arrested by the police. However, during this confrontation, the professor is seriously injured and his life is in danger. In his final moments, as he is about to leave, the professor discovers the secret that the madman has hidden in his heart - the madman is actually the professor's younger brother. This secret shocks and saddens the professor. Finally, with the accompaniment of a doctor, the professor passes away peacefully. The movie ends with the professor's death and his brother's arrest.://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>://>
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